Sunday 7 February 2010

Preserved and hidden

The things that mean a lot to one person, might mean nothing to the other. But even so, you treasure your memories and keep them safe from strangers. As a group, we have decided to collect things that mean a lot to us (memories, important lessons we have learnt, important dates) and record them by stitching them onto fabric to preserve them for longer as fabric lasts longer than paper.
However, since this information is private and personal to each one of us, we would like to hide it. We are planning on doing so by using the same color for the stitches and the background, so that what is written, cannot be read with ease. We want to use a large piece of fabric and put all the collected information together, and then display it in a dark room, so that the viewer will not be able to experience the piece through sight, but only through touch. We would like to make the exhibition available for everyone, so we are planning on printing out posters and flyers, as well as brochures explaining the idea behind the project.

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