Sunday 31 January 2010

Useless experiments.

The piece above was created using ink and printed type. The top one was an accidental cropping of the bottom image during scanning, but I love how it turned out. I experimented with ink stains, as they are usually an unfortunate mistake, and therefore make the paper useless and unwanted.

Above, I took the useless stencil that I have used, and put it up against a color background, which immediately made the text readable.

The two pieces above were created using the already mentioned stencil. I like the bottom one much more, as it's almost unreadable. The text is therefore useless, because you cannot tell what it says. However, since it says 'all art is quite useless', it makes perfect sense for the text to be unreadable!

Here, I have decided that I will only pick out letters from a single magazine, and only the ones that are large. I have spent 1 hour and 7 minutes searching for the letters and cutting them out. What a waste of time.

Finally, I wanted to try out what Amandine Alessandra has done, because it seems fitting. It seemed so useless - making potential art on a drying-rack out of string, when in the end you will just have to remove it, so I just had to do it. It took 37 minutes to do the word 'art', and I was doing it roughly, so there are pieces of string everywhere, and the letters are not very solid. It would take much longer to do it properly, especially if I did the whole phrase.

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