Sunday 24 January 2010

Amandine Alessandra

Amandine Alessandra

For the task where each group had to select pieces of typography to put up, we have decided to each pick something we like, and thus collect a few pieces of work which are interesting. Amandine Alessandra was my contribution. I have chosen this artist and her work, because I like the fact that she always tries to push the boundaries of typography. She just goes for it, plays with different media, and achieves great results! This piece in particular I found very interesting, as here, Alessandra has chosen a great quote by Lewis Carroll:

"I have proved by actual trial that a letter, that takes an hour to write, takes only about 3 minutes to read!"

She then tried to interpret it literally, rather than metaphorically. You can almost see her spending hours to tie the string around the wire of the fence, and then it does only take us a few seconds to read what she has written. I really like this concept, and I think I'd like to do something similar to that.

- Vicky

This work has been chosen as it shows typography out in the environment. The piece has contextuality to it, based on a quote by Lewis Carrol. The piece is not about form or style but how it can be seen and perceived by its audience.

- Emma

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