Monday 8 February 2010

Inspiration behind the Idea.

This image is our main inspiration, it is of a list of names
from a prisoner of war camp stitched onto cloth. It was
made by Eustace Wood during the second world war.
She created a concertina book made up of 12 exquisite
samplers such as this one. This book reveals the
monotonous daily routine of rationing and shortages and
how individuals grasped every chance to create glimpses
of beauty in an otherwise drab world.

Constance Howard and her students produces stitched maps
of Germany for night-time raids as they were more robust
than paper and the lines could be traced with fingers in the dark.

This is an image by Sara Fanelli it is called,
' All colours will agree in the dark'.
(This is a quote from Francis Bacon)
A perfect example of the style we are going for.


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